Sunday, 12 January 2014

First Mystery KAL

Having never participated in a Mystery Kal before, I'm a little bit excited.

Perhaps it's the lovely orange shade background, perhaps it's all the handwriting; I have no idea.  All I know is that I'm looking forward to this one!   Why should it be the handwriting, you ask?  I don't know.  Maybe I miss pen and paper.  Maybe ariel typface at work just makes my eyes sad.

With no 'mystery KAL's under my belt & only one Ysolda pattern (which didn't turn out as I expected.  Still have no idea exactly what I did to that one) I was unsure about this at first - but I just couldn't let it go!

Have you any experience with KAL projects?  Was it worth it?

I've chosen to knit it in two colours, part pink/purple silk handspun, approx. 4ply, from some lovely fluff from katie at hilltopcloud (who dropped by for some questions a wee while ago!), part cream laceweight spun from merino.  Gonna be fluffy!

You can find the pattern and specifics at Ysolda's page on Ravelry, and I'll be updating my own wee version on the blog here and on Ravelry too!

Pssst... I totally changed my mind... Different yarn choices and everything here!!  :D


  1. Good luck.... I've never done any KAL before but might have to try one in the future.

    1. It's really nice to see everyone's photos popping up!


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